
Archive for the ‘NaNoWriMo’ Category

As you might have guessed writing a novel in one month is kind of a priority in my life right now.  I finally cleaned my office.  I’m down to two stacks of papers to go through.  Two is good.  I did have at least six stacks.  Of course I’m still unpacking from our move into the house five months ago.  I merged two desks into one and that has not been easy.

I did decide on what my novel would be and it was none of the ones I had started before.  I got some good feedback from people but I couldn’t make up my mind and that told me then that I would not be writing a novel I already started.  Instead I chose a children’s book loosely based on my granddaughter’s life.  She loves to read chapter books about other children and I would love to write a series of books about her.  Having helped to raise her by taking care of her since she was born as my son and daughter-in-law both worked full time, her care went to me and the other grandmother, a dear sweet loving woman who is almost old enough to be my mother.  My granddaughter has been blessed with a delightful life the past six years and I have written about her from birth.  I thought why not put it all together in a book?

We are told to write about what we know.  I know my granddaughter.  So I asked her if this was okay.  She said fine but was most impressed that I would include her dog Sadie in the book.  Sadie is part Lab, part pit bull and loves me almost as much as she loves my granddaughter.  My head is beginning to fill up with thoughts and ideas for the book.  I wrote the outline remembering to separate the book into five sections with the third, center section, being the peak and most critical part of the book.  Now I’m writing down things that I want to cover in each section.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post a day once November 1st arrives, but I’ll be sure to post at least once a week to keep you up to date on my progress with the novel.  Writing about writing has been a challenge but then my life revolves around writing.  So it came to me easier than I thought it would.  But with three blogs, www.prisnasonshartle@blogspot.com (my spiritual blog), http://hearthealthyboomer.wordpress.com/ (my healthy blog) , and this blog, I will stay busy writing.  And that is exactly as I like it.  So back to my preparations for the National Novel Writing Month contest.

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The question was asked on the Chattanooga Writers’ Guild (CWG) Facebook page, “Anyone else prepping to do the NaNoWriMo next month?”  The reason I signed up to I’m Part of Post a Day 2011 was to prepare for the National Novel Writing Month challenge. 

I found some of the responses very interesting.  One writer posted that she has been participating for five years now, but is considering opting out this November.  Another writer said she had tried writing a novel in one month but found she likes to edit while writing and that is contrary to what the experience is promoting.

The purpose is to begin and finish a 50K novel in one month by writing every day without editing.  Fine tune it when the month is up and the challenge is complete.  This is exactly how I write; fast and furious, without stopping to make corrections (other than typos.)  It is in the proof reading that I do my major editing.

The question for me is what to write about?  But one writer on the Facebook page said he’d been working on a novel for a while and thought it needed revamping and the NaNoWriMo would be a great opportunity to do that.  I think I’ll take his lead.  I’ve got a few novels that are “in the works.”  Which one should I choose?

The Pearl Necklace……Murder and the Lime Green Truck……The Sweet Potato Pie Reunion….Murder and the Monster EF-4 Tornado…..The Garden of Love…..The Angel in the Red Dress.

You tell me!

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