
Posts Tagged ‘essays’

Articles that include prompts to writing exercises are not hard to find and they can be useful tools to writing.  For example, Writer’s Digest Magazine offers a “Daily Writing Prompt” while the Writer Magazine has a section on “Writing Prompts.

I wrote an essay responding to the prompt What’s in the Pocket?  which I found in one of those magazines.  That essay turned into a short story which I entered into a short story contest.  I didn’t win, but that’s beside the point.

The prompt gave me the idea to write the essay.  My writers group liked the essay praising me for experimenting with the writing exercise.  Then they encouraged me to expand on the story.  This resulted in a short story that I felt was good enough to enter into a contest.

The way I look at it, taking advantage of writing exercises such as the prompts in these magazines only expands my the craft of writing.  If it helps me to improve my writing, or inspires me to write when I can’t think of anything else to write, or if nothing else, forces me to sit for a while focused on the craft of writing then so be it.  I have only t to be a better writer to be gained.  I’ll accept that.

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