
Posts Tagged ‘History of Signal Mountain’

How does one write a non-fiction book and use creative writing techniques?  My co-author Mary Scott Norris and I asked ourselves that question when we made a proposal to Arcadia Publishing.

It began when I was approached by Arcadia to do a history of the Town of Signal Mountain for their Image of America Series.  Not having any knowledge of the Town’s history, I approached fellow writer Mary Scott because she was the assistant librarian at the Town Library.  She also served on the town historical committee, and more importantly she wrote an excellent historical column in the local paper, The Signal Mountain Mirror.

Together we researched and gathered hundreds of pictures, scanned them, organized them, and documented their source.  Schools, churches, libraries, museums, and local families were among our sources.  But it became clear from the start that Mary Scott and I did not want to publish a book of pictures with captions.  Both writers, we wanted to tell a story.  And so our journey began as we took nine months to write words that told the history of our town.

We didn’t make anything up; we didn’t stray from our desire to stay focused on the truth.  Along the way we learned a lot, met some very nice people, and believe in our hearts that our book is a valuable contribution to the residents of Signal Mountain.  I was reminded of that when I got a check, albeit small, that the book is still selling; after all history doesn’t change.  The book still makes a fine addition to a home library, a nice gift for a favorite teacher or grandparent or relative that grew up in the town.

Even if I don’t live in the Town of Signal Mountain anymore, I’m proud I took nine months of my life to produce the book.  I’m sure Mary Scott agrees with me.  We gained a friend in each other and we put down in writing a local history like no one had done before.  That is something to be proud of.

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