
Posts Tagged ‘National Novel Writing Month’

The question was asked on the Chattanooga Writers’ Guild (CWG) Facebook page, “Anyone else prepping to do the NaNoWriMo next month?”  The reason I signed up to I’m Part of Post a Day 2011 was to prepare for the National Novel Writing Month challenge. 

I found some of the responses very interesting.  One writer posted that she has been participating for five years now, but is considering opting out this November.  Another writer said she had tried writing a novel in one month but found she likes to edit while writing and that is contrary to what the experience is promoting.

The purpose is to begin and finish a 50K novel in one month by writing every day without editing.  Fine tune it when the month is up and the challenge is complete.  This is exactly how I write; fast and furious, without stopping to make corrections (other than typos.)  It is in the proof reading that I do my major editing.

The question for me is what to write about?  But one writer on the Facebook page said he’d been working on a novel for a while and thought it needed revamping and the NaNoWriMo would be a great opportunity to do that.  I think I’ll take his lead.  I’ve got a few novels that are “in the works.”  Which one should I choose?

The Pearl Necklace……Murder and the Lime Green Truck……The Sweet Potato Pie Reunion….Murder and the Monster EF-4 Tornado…..The Garden of Love…..The Angel in the Red Dress.

You tell me!

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