
Posts Tagged ‘planes’

Today’s posting was the hardest by far.  This is because I was traveling by plane from Atlanta to Beaufort, SC to visit my daughter and her family.  I thought I would write after I got to Atlanta but my daughter-in-law fixed a delicious dinner and my two-year-old grandson wanted my undivided attention.  No writing but I did post yesterday’s blog with him sharing the desk with me.  He was coloring as I typed.

I thought I had time to write while on the MARTA riding to the Atlanta Airport, but the train was packed at 8:00 in the morning and the stop and go was not good for writing.  Anyway, watching the people was a lot more fun.  The man in front of me kept falling asleep.  I couldn’t see him as he was wrapped in three layers of hooded fleece and a baseball cap.  He woke only when he fell sideways onto the seat next to him or once when he fell forward and hit his head on the seat in front of him.

I just knew I’d be able to write a blog while waiting for my plane but it took me forever to find the terminal and gate that my plane was taking off from.  Then the attendant announced that the plane was full would anyone like to check their baggage and pick it up at baggage claim in Charlotte.  I passed knowing I had a short layover.  I thought they would take my take-on luggage before I got on the plane, but no.  We had to put our luggage in the overhead bins.

Zone five and I was worried I would not have room by the time I got the back of the plane.  When I spotted room over isle seven I grabbed it, but I needed help lifting it over my head.  The first man I made eye contact with was blind.  The good news was another man came to my aid.  This was not going well, and I wasn’t getting any writing done.  I arrived at terminal B and needed to be at D and so hiked across the Charlotte airport making my gate as it boarded.  Fifteen minutes later I’m in Savannah and my daughter is picking me up.

We meet her husband and the two granddaughters, three and 8 months at the Port Royal Festival by the Sea seven hours after I started my day in Atlanta.  I realize suddenly that I could have driven and gotten here sooner, but when the three-year-old ran and leaped into my arms and the baby grabbed my fingers and smiled the smile every grandmother wishes for, all thoughts of writing or traveling went out the window.

Dinner is ready, a cold beer is waiting for me and the sun is setting over the live oak trees lining the street.  I remind myself that I write because I love to write and today I wrote about my day.  The only writing was this blog, but as my son is famous for saying around our family, “It is what it is.”

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