
Posts Tagged ‘reporting’

Every time I sit down to write, my head is filled with a hundred things.  My freelance articles are written from a reporter’s point of view.  This means I have a subject and so a plan.  Direction is clear; I just have to follow through on the information I collected during the interview and hope it all comes together.

But those times when I want to work on a piece of fiction I started weeks, months or even years ago; well that’s when I get flustered.  Writing is a journey from my head to my pen (or computer key pad.)  And never having been schooled in writing, I’m flying alone. But I think I’m not unlike the majority of writers.

I envy a writer who has been educated to write.  I admire teachers and professors’ who teach writing.  (Some of whom I consider good friends.)  I’m sorry I didn’t take my college days seriously enough to pursue a career in writing but unfortunately my reasons for going to college had nothing to do with getting a degree.

I did go back to college for a few years much later in my life.  Although I didn’t study creative writing, I did have to write in a journal after every class and be graded on the content and manner of the journal.  Getting A+’s was amazing but being told by the professor that I had a gift changed my life.  For the first time I saw myself as who I really was.  And if I wanted to write, no one was stopping me but me.

It is with trust in myself that I keep writing even when my head is filled with so many stories I can’t keep up with.  It is the same trust that brings it all together in the end, the perfect story because I wrote it.

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